Structure viewer
This viewer is used to display the contents of a file in a structured
manner to make it easier to understand the data. The window is shown by
checking the "Tools/Structure Viewer" command.
The viewer uses scripts written in Tiny Hexer
Script to display the data structures. Sample scripts for .zip, .exe
and .bmp files are provided. You can write your own scripts for different
data formats. After storing them in the <application
directory>\scripts\Structure Viewer directory they can be used with
the Structure viewer by clicking the Open Structure Script button
and loading the script.
Scripts to be executed within the Structure Viewer
must contain the directive line OPTION
- Clear: Unload the currently loaded script and clear the
Structure Browser
- Open Structure Script: Load a structure script into the viewer
and try to display the data structures of the current hex editor
window's file
- Update: Rescan the active editor window's file data and
display its structures in the browser
- Stop: Scanning data might take some time. While structure
scanning is executing, you can stop this process by clicking this
- Save browser contents: Save the Structure Browser
contents either in text or HTML format
- Print browser contents: Print the Structure Browser
contents after displaying a printing options dialog
- Help: Show this help topic
- Structure Browser: This browser actually displays the data
- Links: Underlined text marks links. Those links are useful to
locate specific positions and select a specific block in the editor
window. Links are created by the scripts (by using tagged variables)
|'s Tiny Hexer, Copyright ©2003-2004
Markus Stephany. All rights reserved.